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May updates from the SFPA

May has been a busy month for the SFPA with lots of the projects we have been working on wrapping up, we’ll have lots to share with you over the coming weeks. The warmer weather has finally arrived and we hope you’ve all been able to enjoy some sunshine! As usual, below is a run-down of SFPA work, Shropshire updates and links to other news and resources.

SFPA updates

  • Cash first signposting leaflet for Shropshire- we're working with the Independent Food Aid Network to produce a cash first signposting leaflet for Shropshire. These leaflets have already been created for other areas and have the goal of helping people maximise their income by accessing the services and support they are entitled to.

  • Shaping Places for Healthier Lives bid submitted- alongside Shropshire Council, Healthwatch Shropshire and Citizens Advice Shropshire we’ve been working hard on a bid which would bring £300,000 to the region over 3 years to tackle food insecurity. We will hear whether the bid has been successful in August.

  • Children's Food Insecurity in Shropshire- our research project has come to an end, and we’ve been able to produce case studies of some of the fantastic projects across the county which are helping children with food. We’ve also produced a toolkit for food project where we have compiled all that we have learnt from these projects. We will be publishing the full report and more details from our research over the coming weeks.

Shropshire updates

  • Food Partnership stakeholder meeting- the first stakeholder meeting took place on Monday, there was a fantastic turn out and representation from many different sectors. There was lots of energy and a clear mandate to pursue setting up a Shropshire wide food partnership. For more information contact

  • South Shropshire Youth Network survey – SSYN is interested in what young people find important and then helping to make it happen. They are running a 5 minute online no strings attached survey: Google form. Please share widely, deadline is Monday 21st of June.

  • Furlough figures drop by thousands across Shropshire

Other news


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