Spring Statement and the cost-of-living crisis
The New Economics Foundation estimates 34.2% of the population will be living below the Minimum Income Standard by April 2022. The average financial shortfall will be £8,600. 48% of children will live in households below the Minimum Income Standard, this rises to 77% of children in single parent households, and 96% of children in out of work households. There is no getting away from the fact that 2022 is going to be another challenging year in which partnership working to support the most vulnerable across Shropshire’s communities will be essential.

SFPA updates
We have a new home!
We are delighted to tell you that the Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance has a new home. On the first of April we moved across to Citizens Advice Shropshire. This is a really positive move for the alliance who have worked closely with Citizens Advice since we began in 2018. The role of the alliance remains unchanged, but you can now contact our coordinator Sophie Padgett at SophiePadgett@cabshropshire.org.uk
Cost of living crisis- where to find help
Organisations in Shropshire from across both the voluntary and statutory sector recognise the importance of working together on the cost-of-living crisis. A working group has formed to ensure a joined-up approach to communicating about the issue and to create useful resources to support people. We will keep you up to date with this work as it progresses. There are also some helpful links we can share now of things that already exist.
‘Worrying About Money?’ leaflets – a co-developed, Shropshire specific resource which helps anyone facing financial crisis, and those supporting them to quickly see the cash-first support and advice available locally. For free hard copies contact SophiePadgett@cabshropshire.org.uk.
The Shropshire Larder- a website we run which brings together information which may be useful to those on a low income.
What does the Spring statement mean for you and your household finances- read our latest blog post
Building links with town and parish councils
Over the past few weeks the Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance, along with the Shropshire Good Food Partnership, have been presenting at town and parish council meeting. We have spoken about the work of the two organisations, what can be done locally to support the most vulnerable in our communities and how we can build a fairer food system for people, place and planet. If your town/ parish council or community group would be interested in learning more about our work please get in touch.
Shropshire news
Marches Energy Agency fund raising campaign- donate your council tax rebate to help a family in need
Not in need of this April's £150 council tax bill rebate? This is an opportunity to give back your £150 to a family in need via a local charity dedicated to eradicating fuel poverty . Find out more here.
We spoke to the Shropshire Star about our concerns for the year ahead. Read the full article here.
Vote to help Shrewsbury Food Hub win £20k from Severn Trent to tackle food waste in Shrewsbury
Voting ends on 24th April.
Walk Against Waste on Sunday 24th April
See the full details here. It’s an easy 6km walk around 6 bridges in Shrewsbury, starting at Shrewsbury College, English Bridge – you can pick up a map (£6) anytime between 9am and 4pm. It will be a lovely relaxed family event, to show solidarity for the environment and to raise funds for the Hub.
Links to other news and resources
Studying health inequalities has been my life’s work. What’s about to happen in the UK is unprecedented- Michael Marmot
Powering down not levelling up- new research from the National Institute of Economic and Social research
Nearly half of children are expected to be living in families forced to “make sacrifices on essentials” by the start of the new financial year