Spring is in the air and the days are getting longer, bringing with it a sense of hope! Here is the latest run down of news from our work as an alliance, updates from across the county and links to other work across the UK.

SFPA updates
The Shaping Places for Healthier Lives project is well underway, we’ve heard from a great range of voices across South West Shropshire about food insecurity in the area and there’s still time to get involved. Full details and all the links you need can be found here.
We will be publishing the results from our research into children’s food insecurity in Shropshire next month- more updates on this to follow.
The lovely Fran who took care of all things communication related at the SFPA will be leaving us at the end of the month, we’ll miss her and wish her well on her new adventure!
Shropshire news
Shropshire Council has agreed to extend free school meal support to cover the May half-term holiday, with the costs fully covered by the council. This will be the last holiday they will be providing vouchers, from Easter the Government are funding the Holiday Activities and Food Programme. Under this scheme children entitled to free school meals will qualify for a free place on a holiday activity programme which will also include a meal. The scheme will run for the Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays 2021. Details of activities running in Shropshire over Easter half term can be found here.
Shropshire Council has announced funding to help disadvantaged families buy school uniforms and shoes. Read the full details here.
Do you know anyone who still needs help to complete the Census 2021? Support is available via Shropshire Libraries. Access over the phone on 01743 254924 or as a virtual session through Teams Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 5pm and Sat 10am to 1pm until 4th May. You can also email censussupport@shropshire.gov.uk.
Do you provide debt or money advice? Take the VCSA survey on debt advice services in Shropshire. This will help to identify gaps in support and strengthen services across the county.
Shropshire missed out on a share of £20 million designed to improve rural transport. The Government's Rural Mobility Fund was set up to support innovative on-demand services, but Shropshire will not benefit from this funding.
On our website-
The Resolution Foundation report that lower-income families have borne the brunt of the Covid crisis
Other news
The relationship between austerity and food insecurity in the UK: A systemic review
Food Sense Wales report finds fruit and veg consumption is the biggest marker of dietary inequality, with those on lower incomes eating significantly less.
Resolution Foundation briefing paper on UK's building arrears crisis