We hope you’re all enjoying the long summer days; we’ve had another busy busy and have lots of updates from ourselves and other organisations across Shropshire. There’s the usual links to news and resources which we think may be of interest to our network, along with details of upcoming workshops.

SFPA updates
-Changes to the team- from the end of June Emily Fay will be leaving the role of SFPA coordinator, depending on the outcome of the Shaping Places for Healthier lives bid she may re-join the team to work on that project. From July Sophie Padgett will be taking on the role of coordinator, you can contact her on sophie@shrewsburyfoodhub.org.uk.
-Shropshire Council grant scheme for food banks- SFPA are administering a grant scheme to Shropshire food banks on behalf of Shropshire Council. The aim of the scheme is to help food banks expand or diversify the support they offer.
-Cash first signposting leaflet- we are working closely with the Independent Food Aid Network to produce a cash first signposting leaflet for Shropshire. These leaflets have been produced in other areas of the country and are a straightforward resource for people facing financial crisis, and anyone supporting them, to quickly see available advice and cash first support options and which agencies are best placed to help. The aim of this project to reduce the need for emergency food aid by helping people access any existing financial entitlements and advice on income maximisation as a cash first response to food insecurity.
-Watch us the Food Power film premier tomorrow- tune in to The Food Power Story, tomorrow at 11am. The sessions will showcase the projects that have been made possible through Sustain’s Food Power Network; the people that have made them happen; the impact they have had on those involved; and the role that food poverty alliances can play in building local food resilience and food justice post pandemic. Some of the incredible work that has been taking place over Shropshire will feature.
Shropshire updates
-Support available over the summer holidays in Shropshire
Free school meals will be available in Shropshire over the summer holidays- The Government has announced a further and final extension of the COVID-19 Local Support Grant for vulnerable families. In Shropshire, the funding will (amongst other things) enable eligible children to receive free school meals during the school summer holidays. For full details visit the Shropshire Council website.
Holiday Activities and Food programme Shropshire- last week Shropshire Council awarded DfE grant funding to groups who are delivering a programme of holiday activity and/or enrichment opportunities over the summer for children and young people (aged 5-16). The funding is intended to subsidise free places on new or existing holiday programmes for children and young people who are eligible for free school meals. In Shropshire, there are more than 5,500 children and young people registered to claim benefit related free school meals. A full list of providers will be published soon which you will be able to access here.
-Shropshire Food and Land Partnership next meeting Thursday 8th July 11-12.30- This will be the second meeting of stakeholders looking at developing a Shropshire Food and Land Partnership. For more details and to receive a copy of the briefing pack ahead of the meeting please contact jenny@shrewsburyfoodhub.org.uk.
You can access the meeting at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88086674277?pwd=QktpSFpiVVlieGJrV25ObXJBRkdVdz09
Meeting ID: 880 8667 4277
Passcode: 933211
-Whitchurch Food Bank doing a sponsored tandem sky dive- on the 22nd of July Whitchurch Food Bank are taking part in a sponsored tandem sky dive to raise money to continue supplying fresh fruit and vegetables to the families they support. Sophie from the SFPA will be joining them! You can find out more and donate here.
-SSYF online Youth Conference - South Shropshire Youth Network recently ran a consultation with young people aged 8-25 years in south Shropshire. On Wednesday 7th of July and Saturday 10th of July they will be running an online conference to share the outcomes of their consultation. More information and links to booking can be found here.
-People without ID can register at GP surgeries- Health bosses at NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are encouraging people who do not have ID or a fixed address to register with a GP practice to ensure they access healthcare. Everyone in England is entitled to register with a GP however some people may feel excluded if they don’t have any identification, a fixed address or know their NHS number. For more information contact Rachael Jones, Senior Communications and Engagement Manager NHS Shropshire Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group, rachael.jones@nhs.net.
Nourish Scotland: Dignity and the Right to food: Responding to food insecurity
Other news